Araceli Vazquez

Board Member

Araceli Vazquez-Ramirez was born and raised in Josefino de Allende Jalisco, Mexico. She moved to the USA in 2000. Araceli has a fashion designer degree; she is a certified oil painter, certified ceramic painter, certified in cooking and baking, certified in crochet, and grant writing. She is a CNA, CMA, and RA. Araceli is a Columbus Junction community advocate and has been in the bilingual and advocacy service for 3 years. She has been in the healthcare industry for nine years. She worked for AmeriCorps Refugee Rise for 3 years as a translator. She has been working with Iowa State Extension as a program coordinator and family outreach. She has three kids, Adan 18, Yaritza 10, and Emely 2. Araceli is currently a community advocate and a public bilingual notary. Her job is to provide individuals and families with high-quality advocacy and bilingual services to meet their basic needs and improve the condition of Hispanics and other minorities. She helps families and individuals achieve the outcomes that matter to them in their lives by providing high quality advocacy and ensuring their needs are a top priority. Specifically, to help protect human, legal, and civil rights so they may live in dignity and have a more substantial life.

She was nominated as the community advocate of the year in 2023.